[A]Thermal properties of CMR Materials (Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Diffusivity, Sound Velocity, Thermal Dilatation etc.)
[B]Thermal properties and Phonon scattring mechanism of high-Tc Superconductors
[C]Thermal conductivity of HTSC tapes and its sheath materials
[D]Development of the new measuring technique of thermal properties
[E]Multilayered Superconductors
[F]Percoration phenomena and Model analyses of thermal conductivity in Mixed materials
[G]Thermal conductivity of polymers, thermoelectric materials etc.
[H]Temperature Measurements of Bulk Superconductors after Applying Pulse Fields
[I]Research for Thermoelectric materials
[J]Research for MgB2 superconducting bulks
[A] Thermal properties of CMR Materials (Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Diffusivity, Sound Velocity, Thermal Dilatation etc.)
[A-51] H. Fujishiro, Y. Noda, K. Akuzawa, T. Naito, A. Ito, T. Goto, M. Marysko, Z. Jirak, J. Hejtmanek and K. Nitta, “Electrical resistivity anomaly, valence shift of Pr ion and magnetic behavior in epitaxial (Pr1-yMy)0.7Ca0.3CoO3 thin films under compressive strain”, J. Appl. Phys. 121 (2017) 115104 (8 pages)
see full paper
[A-51] H. Fujishiro, Y. Noda, K. Akuzawa, T. Naito, A. Ito, T. Goto, M. Marysko, Z. Jirak, J. Hejtmanek and K. Nitta, “Electrical resistivity anomaly, valence shift of Pr ion and magnetic behavior in epitaxial (Pr1-yMy)0.7Ca0.3CoO3 thin films under compressive strain”, J. Appl. Phys. 121 (2017) 115104 (8 pages)
see full paper
[A-50] Y. Noda, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, A. Ito, T. Goto, J. Hejtmanek and Z. Jirak, “Electrical resistivity anomaly in
(Pr1-yMy)0.7Ca0.3CoO3 epitaxial films (M=Y, Gd) fabricated by pulsed laser deposition”, AIP Advances 6 (2016) 025318
see full paper
[A-49] T. Naito, H. Fujishiro, T. Nishizaki, N. Kobayashi, J. Hejtmanek, K. Knizek and Z. Jirak, "Suppression of the metal-insulator transition by magnetic field in (Pr1-yYy)0.7Ca0.3CoO3 (y=0.0625)", J. Appl. Phys. 115 (2014) 233914 (5 pages)
see full paper
[A-48] Z. Jirak, J. Hejtmanek, K. Knizek, P. Novak, E. Santava, and H. Fujishiro, "Magnetism of perovskite cobaltites with Kramers rare-earth ions", J. Appl. Phys. 115 (2014) 17E118 (3 pages)
see full paper
[A-47] K. Knizek, J. Hejtmanek, M. Marysko, P. Novak, E. Santava, Z. Jirak, T. Naito, H. Fujishiro and C. R. dela Cruz, "Spin-state crossover and low-temperature magnetic state in yttrium doped Pr0.7Ca0.3CoO3", Phys. Rev. B 88 (2014) 224412 (8 pages)
see full paper
[A-46] Z. Jirak, J. Hejtmanek, K. Knizek, M. Marysko, P. Novak, E. Santava, T. Naito and H. Fujishiro, "Ground state properties of the mixed-valence cobaltites Nd0.7Sr0.3CoO3, Nd0.7Ca0.3CoO3 and Pr0.7Ca0.3CoO3", J. Phys. Condensed Mater 25 (2013) 216006
see full paper
[A-45] J. Hejtmanek, Z. Jirak, O. Kaman, K. Knizek, E. Santava, K. Nitta, T. Naito, and H. Fujishiro, "Phase transition in Pr0.5Ca0.5CoO3 and related cobaltitesモ, The European Physical Journal B 86 (2013), 305 (8 pages)
see full paper
[A-44] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, D. Takeda, N. Yoshida, T. Watanabe, K. Nitta, J. Hejtmanek, K. Knizek and Z. Jirak, "Simultaneous valence shift of Pr and Tb ions at the spin-state transition in (Pr1-yTby)0.7Ca0.3CoO3", Phys. Rev. B 87 (2013) 155153 (7 pages)
see full paper
[A-43] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, S. Ogawa, K. Nitta, J. Hejtmanek, K. Knizek and Z. Jirak, "Valence shift of Pr ion from 3+ to 4+ in (Pr1-yYy)0.7Ca0.3CoO3 estimated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81 (2012) 064709 (5 pages)
see full paper
[A-42] M. Marysko, Z. Jirak, K. Knizek, P. Novak, J. Hejtmanek, T. Naito, H. Sasaki, and H. Fujishiro, "Thermally and field-driven spin-state transitions in (Pr1-yYy)0.7Ca0.3CoO3" J. Appl. Phys. 109 (2011) 07E127 (3 pages)
see full paper
[A-41] J. Hejtmanek, E. Santava, K. Knizek, M. Marysko, Z. Jirak, T. Naito, H. Sasaki, and H. Fujishiro: Metal-insulator transition and the Pr3+/Pr4+ valence shift in (Pr1-yYy)0.7Ca0.3CoO3, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 165107 (7 pages)
see full paper
[A-40] T. Naito, H. Sasaki, H. Fujishiro and M. Yoshizawa: Elastic and Thermal Transport Properties of (Pr1-yGdy)0.7Ca0.3CoO3 at Metal Insulator Transition, J. Phys. Conf. Series, 200 (2010) 012137
see full paper
[A-39] T. Naito, H. Sasaki and H. Fujishiro: Simultaneous metal-insulator and spin-state transition in (Pr1-yREy)1-xCaxCoO3 (RE=Nd, Sm, Gd, and Y), J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 79 (2010) 034710 (5 pages)
see full paper
[A-38] T. Naito, M. Sumomozawa, H. Sasaki and H. Fujishiro: Thermal Conductivity of (Pr1-XREX)0.7Ca0.3CoO3 (RE=Sm, Gd) around Metal-Insulator Spin-state Transition, J. Phys. Cof. Series 150 (2009) 022062 (4 pages)
see full paper
[A-37] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, Y. Kashiwada and Y. Fujine: Thermal conductivity anomalies of RECoO3 related with spin-state transition, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (2008), 77, 084603, 2008
see full paper
[A-36] S. Begum, Y. Ono, H. Fujishiro and T. Kajitani: Interplay between
structure and magnetic properties in a perovskite manganite, Physica B, 385-386, pp. 53-56, 2006
[A-35] H. Fujishiro and M. Ikebe, :Thermal Conductivity Anomaly in La0.52Ca0.48MnO3
under Applied Field, Physica B, 378-380, pp. 499-500, 2006
see full paper
[A-34] Y. Kashiwada, H. Fujishiro, Y. Fujine, M. Ikebe and J. Hejtmanek :
Metal-Insulator Transition and Phonon Scattering Mechanisms in La1-XSrXCoO3,
Physica B, 378-380, pp. 529-531,
see full paper
[A-33] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, T. Kikuchi and T. Fukase : Anomalous Sound
Velocity Behavior of La1-XCaXMnO3 (X?0.48) in
Applied Field, Physica B, 378-380,
pp. 518-519, 2006
see full paper
[A-32] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, S. Kanoh and T. Fukase : Anomalies in Sound
Velocity and Thermal Expansion Related to Charge Order and Ferromagnetic
Transitions in Pr0.65Ca0.35(Mn1-ZCoZ)O3,
Physica B, 378-380, pp. 534-535,
see full paper
[A-31] Y. Fujine, H. Fujishiro, Y. Kashiwada, J. Hejtmanek and M. Ikebe :
Anomalous phonon scattering by Jahn-Teller active Co intermediate spins in
LaCoO3 and doped LaCoO3, Physica B, 359-361, pp. 1360-1362, 2005
see full paper
[A-30] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, T. Kumagai, A. Fujiwara and Y. Obi : Magic
d-electron number of doped ions for occurrence of ferromagnetic metal phase in
Physica B, 359-361, pp.
1294-1296, 2005
see full paper
[A-29] J. Hejtmanek, Z. Jirak, K. Knizek, M. Marysko, M. Veverka and H. Fujishiro
: Magnetism, structure and transport of Y1-XCaXCoO3
and La1-XBaXCoO3, J. Mag. Mag. Mat., 272-276, pp. e283-e284, 2004
see full paper
[A-28] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, S. Kanoh and H. Yamazaki : Lattice effect on
ferromagnetic-metal phase transition in Pr0.65Ca0.35(Mn1-ZCoZ)O3
and Pr0.65Ca0.35(Mn1-ZCrZ)O3,
J. Mag. Mag. Mat., 272-276, pp.
1798-1799, 2004
see full paper
[A-27] H. Fujishiro, Y. Fujine, Y. Mita and M. Ikebe: Thermal conductivity and
magnetism in (Ca1-XSrX)MnO3, J. Mag. Mag.
Mat., 272-276, pp. 1796-1797,
see full paper
[A-26] Y. Fujine, H. Fujishiro, K. Suzuki, Y. Kashiwada and M. Ikebe :
Magnetism and thermoelectricity in La0.8Sr0.2Co1-ZMZO3
(M: 3d transition metal), J. Mag. Mag. Mat., 272-276, pp. 104-105, 2004
see full paper
[A-25] Y. Watanabe, K. Takahashi, S. Awaji, K. Watanabe, H. Fujishiro and M.
Ikebe, "Temperature and Magnetic Field Dependence of the Coexistent Phase
in La1-xSrxMnO3+d (x=0.47, 0.49)", J.
Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72, pp.817-821,
see full paper
[A-24] K. Suzuki, H. Fujishiro, Y. Kashiwada, Y. Fujine and M. Ikebe, "Magnetic, electrical and
thermal properties of La0.80Sr0.20(MnyCo1-y)O3",
Physica B 329-333, pp.922-923,
see full paper
[A-23] Y. Kashiwada, H. Fujishiro and M. Ikebe, "Thermal conductivity of
under applied field", Physica B 329-333, pp.924-925, 2003
see full paper
[A-22] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro and H. Ozawa, "Effect of A-site Cation size
Mismatch on Fierst-order-like Ferromagnetic Transition in Perovskite
Manganites", Acta Physica Polonica B 34, pp.827-830, 2003
see full paper
[A-21] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, S. Kanoh and H. Ozawa, "Thermal Transport
in Ferromagnetic La1-XAEXMnO3 with Large
Divalent Ions", Acta Physica Polonica B 34, pp.823-826, 2003
see full paper
[A-20] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, T. Akashi and T. Goto, "Thermal diffusivity
of La1-XCaXMnO3 up to 1200 K", Physica B
316-317, pp.261-264, 2002
see full paper
[A-19] H. Fujishiro, S. Sugawara and M. Ikebe, "Anomalous phonon transport
enhancement at first-order ferromagnetic transition in (Gd,Sm,Nd)0.55Ca0.45MnO3",
Physica B 316-317, pp.331-334,
see full paper
[A-18] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro and M. Numano, "Effect of oxygen content
variation on phonon heat transport in La0.75Ca0.25MnO3+d",
Physica B 316-317, pp.265-268,
see full paper
[A-17] H. Fujishiro, S. Kanoh and M. Ikebe, "Heat Transport Enhancement in
Ferromagnetic Metallic Phase of La1-XBaXMnO3",
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71, Suppl.
pp.142-144, 2002
see full paper
[A-16] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, H. Yamazaki and S. Kanoh, "Stabilization of
Ferromagnetic Metallic Phase and Anomalous Magnetotransport in Pr1-XCaX(Mn1-ZCoZ)O3",
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71, Suppl.
pp.145-147, 2002
see full paper
[A-15] H. Fujishiro, S. Kanoh, H. Yamazaki and M. Ikebe, "Enhanced Phonon
Heat Conduction Correlated with Induced Ferromagnetic Metallic Phase in Pr0.65Ca0.35(Mn1-ZCoZ)O3",
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70,
pp.2616-2621, 2001
see full paper
[A-14] Y. Moritomo, T. Akimoto, H. Fujishiro and A. Nakamura, "Specific
heat of La1-xSrxMnO3 (x-0.5): Comparison
between three-dimensional and two-dimensional metallic states", Phys. Rev.
B64, pp.064404, 2001
see full paper
[A-13] H, Fujishiro, "Thermal conductivity aanomalies around
antiferromagnetic order in La0.50Sr0.50MnO3 and
Nd0.50Sr0.50MnO3 crystals", Physica B307, pp.57-63, 2001
see full paper
[A-12] H. Fujishiro, T. Fukase and M. Ikebe, "Anomalous Lattice Softening
at X=0.19 and 0.82 in La1-XCaXMnO3", J.
Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70, pp.628-631,
see full paper
[A-11] H. Fujishiro and M. Ikebe, "Heat Transport Anomalies around
Ferromagnetic and Charge-order Transitions in La1-XCaXMnO3",
Physics in Local Lattice Distortions, edited by H. Oyanagi and A.
Bianconi (Americam Institute of Physics) pp.433-436, 2001
[A-10] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, S. Kanoh andT. Mikami, "Characteristic
Phonon Scattering Enhancement Correlated with Magnetic and Charge Orders in La1-XSrXMnO3
(X>0.50)", phys. stat. sol. 225,
pp.135-143, 2001
see full paper
[A-9] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, T. Kikuchi and H. Ozawa, "First-order-like
ferromagnetic transition in (La1-yPry)1-x(Ca1-zSrz)xMnO3
(X?0.25)", Physica B281&282, pp.491-493, 2000
see full paper
[A-8] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe,S. Ohshiden and K. Noto, "Canted
Antiferromagnetic Order and Large Magnetoresistance in La1-XCaXMnO3,
Pr1-XCaXMnO3 and other RE1-XAEXMnO3
Manganese Oxides (X?0.9)", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 69, pp.1865-1871, 2000
see full paper
[A-7] H. Fujishiro, S. Ohshiden and M. Ikebe, "Thermal Transport Anomaly
Associated with Weak Ferromagnetism in CaMnO3", J. Phys. Soc.
Jpn. 69, pp.2082-2086, 2000
[A-6] H. Fujishiro, T. Fukase, M. Ikebe and T. Kikuchi, "Sound Velocity
Anomaly at around X?1/8 in La1-XCaXMnO3",
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68,
pp.1469-1472, 1999
see full paper
[A-5] H. Fujishiro and M. Ikebe, "Two-level-like anomalous phonon
scattering in La1-XSrXMnO3 and La2-XSrXCuO4", Physica
B263-264, pp.691-694, 1999
see full paper
[A-4] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro and Y. Konno, "Anomalous Phonon-Spin
Scattering in La1-XSrXMnO3", J. Phys.
Soc. Jpn. 67, pp.1083-1085, 1998
see full paper
[A-3] H. Fujishiro, T. Fukase and M. Ikebe, "Charge Ordering and Sound
Velocity Anomaly in La1-XSrXMnO3
(X?0.5)", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 67, pp.2582-2585, 1998
see full paper
[A-2] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe and Y. Konno, "Phase Transition to
Antiferromagnetic State in La1-XSrXMnO3 (X?0.5)",
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 67,
pp.1799-1800, 1998
see full paper
[A-1] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, Y. Konno and T. Fukase, "Sound Velocity
Anomaly Associated with Polaron Ordering in La1-XSrXMnO3",
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 66,
pp.3703-3705, 1997
see full paper
[B-43] Hidekazu Teshima, Mitsuru Morita, Takahiro Arayashiki, Tomoyuki Naito and Hiroyuki Fujishiro, "10 T Class Trapped Field Properties of a Large Gd-Ba-Cu-O Bulk Superconductor", Physics Procedia 45 (2013) pp. 61-64
see full paper
[B-42] T. Naito, Y. Ueno and H. Fujishiro, "Relationship between structural phase transition and carrier concentration in La2-x-ySrxRyCuO4 (R=Ce or Tb)", Physica C 471 (2011) pp. 690-692
see full paper
[B-41] T. Naito, K. Sato, D. Yamaguchi and H. Fujishiro: Vortex Pinning Properties of (Y1-XLaX)-Ba-Cu-O and (Y1-XPrX)-Ba-Cu-O Superconducting Bulks, Physica C 469 (2009) pp. 1218-1230
see full paper
[B-40] T. Naito, H. Fujishiro, K. Iida and M. Murakami, Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity of Er-Ba-Cu-O Bulk Superconductors, Physica C , 468, pp. 1428-1430, 2008
see full paper
[B-39] T. Naito, H. Fujishiro, K. Iida, S. Nariki and M. Murakami, Thermal Conductivity of Er-Ba-Cu-O and Ho-Ba-Cu-O superconducting bulks, Supercond. Sci. Technol. , 21, 085001 (4pp), 2008
see full paper
[B-38] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, H. Teshima and H. Hirano, Low-Thermal-Conductive
DyBaCuO Bulk Superconductor for Current Lead Application, IEEE Trans. Appl.
Supercond., 16, pp. 1080-1083, 2006
see full paper
[B-37] H. Fujishiro, S. Nariki and M. Murakami, Thermal Conductivity and
Thermoelectric Power of DyBaCuO Bulk Superconductor, Supercond. Sci. Technol., 19, pp. S447-S450, 2006
see full paper
[B-36] H. Fujishiro, K. Katagiri, A. Murakami, Y. Yoshino and K. Noto :
Database for thermal and mechanical properties of REBaCuO bulks, Physica C, 426-431, pp. 699-704, 2005
see full paper
[B-35] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe and T. Takahashi : Preparation of RuSr2GdCu2O8
Compounds with Enhanced Superconducting Transition Temperature, J. Low Temp.
Phys., 131, pp. 589-593, 2003
see full paper
[B-34] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, S. Kohayashi, K. Noto and K. Yokoyama :
Additional effect of Ag and 211 phase on thermal expansion of REBaCuO bulk
superconductor (RE=Sm, Y), Cryogenics, 43, pp. 477-481, 2003
see full paper
[B-33] K. Noto, T. Oka, K. Yokoyama, K. Katagiri, H. Fujishiro, H. Okada, H.
Nakazawa, M. Muralidhar and M. Murakami, "Thermal and mechanical
properties of high Tc bulk superconductors and their
applications", Physica C 392-396, pp.677-683, 2003
see full paper
[B-32] H. Fujishiro, H. Teshima, M. Ikebe and K. Noto, "Thermal
conductivity of YBaCuO bulk superconductors under applied field: effect of
content and size of Y211 phase", Physica C 392-396, pp.171-174, 2003
see full paper
[B-31] 手嶋英一、平野芳生、藤代博之, "0.5T-77Kで動作可能な250A級Y系高温超電導バルク電流リード",低温工学 37 pp.718-725, 2002
see full paper
[B-30] 藤代博之、池部 學、能登宏七、手嶋英一、澤村 充, "GdBaCuO系バルク超電導体の熱的性質---YBaCuO系との比較---",低温工学
37 pp.659-664, 2002
see full paper
[B-29] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe and T. Takahashi, " Preparation of RuSr2GdCu2O8
Compounds with Enhanced Superconducting Transition Temperature", J. Low
Temp. Phys. 131 Nos. 3/4,
pp.589-593, 2003
see full paper
[B-28] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, S. Kohayashi, K. Noto and K. Yokoyama, "
Additional effect of Ag and 211 phase on thermal expansion of REBaCuO bulk
superconductor (RE=Sm, Y)", Cryogenics 43 pp.477-481, 2003
see full paper
[B-27] H. Fujishiro and S. Kohayashi, " Thermal Conductivity, Thermal
Diffusivity and Thermoelectric Power of Sm-Based Bulk Superconductors",
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 12
pp.1124-1127, 2002
see full paper
[B-26] M. Ikebe and H. Fujishiro, " Heat transport in T*-phase (Nd1-x-yCexSry)2CuO4
superconductors", Physica B284-288 pp.1007-1008, 2000
see full paper
[B-25] M. Ikebe and H. Fujishiro, "Enhanced phonon scattering due to
3d-transition metal substitution for Cu in YBa2Cu3O7-d",
Physica B263-264, pp.636-639,
see full paper
[B-24] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe and Y. Shibazaki, "Enhanced Phonon Scattering
below Tc Caused by Zn and Ni Substitution in La1.85Sr0.15CuO4",
J. Low Temp. Phys., 117 Nos.
5/6, pp.1181-1185, 1999
see full paper
[B-23] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe and Y. Shibazaki, "Thermal Coductivity of
T*-phase (Nd1-x-yCexSry)2CuO4
oxide superconductors", Proceedings of the 9th CIMTEC- World Forum on New
Materials, Symposium VI- Science and Engineering of HTC Superconductivity, pp.
429-436, 1999
see full paper
[B-22] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe and T. Fukase, "Ultrasonic and Phonon
Thermal Transport Studies on YBa2Cu3O7-d Oxide
Superconductors", Proceedings of the 9th CIMTEC- World Forum on New
Materials, Symposium VI- Science and Engineering of HTC Superconductivity, pp.
437-444, 1999
see full paper
[B-21] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, K. Nakasato, T. Mikami, T. Naito and T. Fukase,
"Thermal Transport in 90K- and 60K-phase YBa2Cu3O7-d
High-Tc Oxides", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b)209, pp.413-426, 1998
see full paper
[B-20] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro and K. Nakasato, " Energy Gap Symmetry and
Thermal Conductivity of YBa2Cu3O7-d", J.
Low Temp. Phys. 107, Nos 5/6,
pp. 467-472, 1997
see full paper
[B-19] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, M. Yagi and T. Fukase, " Effect of
annealing on thermal and electrical transport in Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4",
Superlattices and Microstructures 21, pp. 357-362, 1997
see full paper
[B-18] M. Ikebe, T. Naito, H. Fujishiro, K. Noto, N. Kobayashi and K. Mori,
" Lattice thermal conductivity of Nb-based alloy superconductors and
phonon scattering by electrons", Physica B219&220, pp. 80-82, 1996
see full paper
[B-17] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, K. Nakasato and K. Noto, "Thermal
conductivity of REBa2Cu3O7 (RE=Y, Dy, Sm, Nd)
superconductors", Physica C263,
pp. 309-312, 1996
see full paper
[B-16] M. Ikebe, M. Matsukawa, H, Fujishiro, N. Yoshimoto, M. Yoshizawa and K.
Noto, "Thermal Conductivity in the ab-Plane of the Organic Conductor
a-(BEDT-TTF)2O3", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 65, pp.651-651, 1996
see full paper
[B-15] H. Fujishiro, K. Nakasato, S. Takahashi and M. Ikebe, " Effect of
Y-site and Ba-site Substitution on Thermal Properties of YBa2Cu3O7-d",
Czech. J. Phys. 46 Suppl. S3,
pp.1207-1208, 1996
see full paper
[B-14] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, M. Yagi, M. Matsukawa, H. Ogasawara and K. Noto,
"Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity of Nd2-XCeXCuO4",
Physica B219&220,
pp.163-165, 1995
see full paper
[B-13] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, M. Yagi, K. Nakasato, Y. Shibazaki and T.
Fukase, Thermal conductivity and Phonon Scattering Mechanisms in La2-XMXCuO4",
J. Low Temp. Phys. 105, Nos.
3/4, pp. 981-986, 1996
see full paper
[B-12] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, K. Nakasato and K. Noto, "Influence of Cu
site impurities on the thermal conductivity of YBa2Cu3O7-d",
Physica C263, pp.305-308, 1996
see full paper
[B-11] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, K. Nakasato and K. Noto, "Thermal
conductivity of REBa2Cu3O7 (RE=Y, Dy, Sm, Nd)
superconductors", Physica C263,
pp.309-312, 1996
see full paper
[B-10] M. Ikebe, T. Naito, H. Fujishiro, K. Noto, N. Kobayashi and K. Mori,
"Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Nb-based Alloy Superconductors and Phonon
Scattering by Electrons", Physica B219&220, pp.80-82, 1996
see full paper
[B-9] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, T. Naito and K. Noto, "Phonon Thermal
Diffusivity and Conductivity of Oxygen Deficient YBa2Cu3O7",
Physica C235-240, pp.825-826,
see full paper
[B-8] H. Ogasawara, M. Matsukawa, H. Sato, H. Fujishiro, Y. Kashiwaba, S.
Fujinuma, K. Mori and Y. Hidaka, "In-plane thermal conductivity of Ln2-xCexCuO4-y
single crystals (Ln=Nd and Pr) with the T'-phase structure", Physica C235-240B pp.1399-1400, 1994
see full paper
[B-7] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, T. Naito, M. Matsukawa, K. Noto, I. Shigaki, K.
Shibutani, S. Hayashi and R. Ogawa, "Thermal Conductivity of Bi-2212
Single Crystals Prepared by TSFZ Method", Physica C235-240, pp.1533-1534, 1994
see full paper
[B-6] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, T. Naito, K. Noto, S. Kohayashi, S. Yoshizawa,
"Anisotropic Thermal Diffusivity and Conductivity of YBCO(123) and
YBCO(211) Mixed Crystals I", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 33, pp.4965-4970, 1994
see full paper
[B-5] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, M. Matsukawa and K. Noto,
"Anisotropic Thermal Diffusivity and Conductivity of YBCO(123) and
YBCO(211) Mixed Crystals. II", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 33, pp.6158-6161, 1994
see full paper
[B-4] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, M. Matsukawa, F. Tatezaki, H. Ogasawara, K. Noto,
K. Michishita and Y. Kubo, "A Model Analysis of the Thermal Conductivity
of Ag-doped Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconducting Oxide", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 33, pp.2004-2007, 1994
see full paper
[B-3] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, K. Noto, S. Kohayashi and S. Yoshizawa,
"Thermal Conductivity of Y(123) and Y(211) Mixed Crystals Prepared by
MMTG", Cryogenics 34,
pp.57-61, 1994
see full paper
[B-2] M. Matsukawa, F. Tatezaki, K. Noto, H. Fujishiro, K. Michishita and Y.
Kubo, "Thermal Conductivity of Ag-doped Bi-2212 Superconducting Materials
prepared by the Floating Method", Cryogenics 34, pp.685-688, 1994
see full paper
[B-1] 藤代博之、池部 学、内藤智之、能登宏七、"Bi系酸化物超伝導体の同一セッティングによる熱拡散率、熱伝導率測定"、低温工学 28, pp.582-587, 1993
see full paper
[C-13] Tomoyuki Naito, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, and Yuichi Yamada, “Thermal conductivity and dilatation of a Bi-2223/Ag (DI-BISCCO) superconducting wire laminated with Ni-alloy tapes”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 28 (2018) 6400404
see full paper
[C-12] T. Naito, H. Fujishiro, G. Osabe and J. Fujigami, "Anisotropic thermal transport in Bi2223/Ag superconducting tape with sandwiched structure", Physica C 484 (2012) pp. 159-162
see full paper
[C-11] T. Naito, H. Fujishiro, Y. Yamamura, K. Saito, H. Okamoto, H. Hayashi, Y. Gosho, T. Ohkuma, and Y. Shiohara, "Specific heat and thermal diffusivity of YBCO coated conductors", Physics Procedia, 36 (2012) pp. 1609-1613
see full paper
[C-10] T. Naito, H. Fujishiro and J. Fujikami, "Anisotropic thermal conductivity of silver sheathed Bi2223 superconducting tape ", IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 21 (2011) pp. 2828-2831
see full paper
[C-9] T. Naito, H. Fujishiro, H. Okamoto, H. Hayashi, Y. Gosho, N. Fujiwara, Y. Shiohara, "Thermal conductivity of YBCO coated conductors reinforced by metal tape", IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 21 (2011) pp. 3037-3040
see full paper
[C-8] T. Naito, H. Fujishiro, H. Okamoto, H. Hayashi, Y. Gosho, N. Fujiwara and Y. Shiohara: Thermal conductivity of YBCO coated conductors fabricated by IBAD-PLD method, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23 (2010) 105013 (4pp)
see full paper
[C-7] T. Naito, H. Fujishiro and Y. Yamada: Anisotropic thermal transport in double-pancake coil wound with DI-BISCCO tape, Physica C 470 (2010) pp. 1397-1400
see full paper
[C-6] T. Naito, H. Fujishiro and Y. Yamada: Thermal conductivity of DI-BISCCO tapes with stacked or sandwiched structure, J. Phys. Conf. Series 234 (2010) 022025
see full paper
[C-5] T. Naito, H. Fujishiro and Y. Yamada: Thermal conductivity of single and multi-stacked DI-BSCCO tapes, Cryogenics 49 (2009) pp. 429-432
see full paper
[C-4] T. Naito, H. Fujishiro, Y. Yamada: Thermal conductivity and thermal dilatation of Bi2223 sheathed tape, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 19 (2009) pp. 3034-3036
see full paper
[C-3] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, K. Noto, T. Sasaoka, K. Nomura, "Thermal and
Electrical Properties of Ag-Au and Ag-Cu Alloy Tapes for the Metal Stabilizer
of Oxide Superconductors", Cryogenics 33, pp.1086-1090, 1993
see full paper
[C-2] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, K. Noto, M. Matsukawa, T. Sasaoka, K. Nomura, J.
Sato, S. Kuma, "Low Thermal Conductive Bi-2223 Tapes Sheathed with Ag-Au
Alloys", IEEE Trans. Mag. 30,
pp.1645-1650, 1994
see full paper
[C-1] T. Sasaoka, K. Nomura J. Sato, S. Kuma, H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, K. Noto,
"Characteristics of Ag-Au alloy sheathed Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducting
tapes for current leads", Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, pp.1304-1305, 1994
see full paper
[D-6] H. Fujishiro, T. Okamato and K. Hirose, "Thermal contact resistance
between high-Tc superconductor and copper", Physica C357-360, pp.785-788, 2001
see full paper
[D-5] H. Fujishiro, T. Okamoto,M. Ikebe and K. Hirose, "A New Method for
Simultaneous Determination of Anisotropic Thermal Conductivities Based on
Two-Dimensional Analyses", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 40, pp388-392, 2000
see full paper
[D-4] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, K. Nakasato and T. Naito, "Proposal of Three
Terminal Method for Low Temperature Thermal Diffusivity Measurement",
Czech. J. Phys. 46 Suppl. S5,
pp.2761-2762, 1996
see full paper
[D-3] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito and K. Noto, "Simultaneous
Measurement of Thermal Diffusivity and Conductivity Applied to Bi-2223 Ceramic
Superconductors", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 63, pp.3107-3114, 1994
see full paper
[D-2] 保原夏朗、松川倫明、松浦伸悌、藤代博之、能登宏七、"ヘリウム冷凍機を用いた熱伝導率の完全自動測定"、低温工学 28, pp.688-692, 1993
see full paper
[D-1] 藤代博之、池部 学、内藤智之、能登宏七、"低温における熱拡散率と熱伝導率の同一セッティング測定"、低温工学 28, pp.533-539, 1993
see full paper
[E-17] Y. Obi, M. Ikebe and H.
Fujishiro, “Analyses of the pinning mechanism for the
superconductor/normal-metal and superconductor/superconductor multilayers”, J.
Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 19
(2006) pp. 117-123
see full paper
[E-16] Y. Obi, M. Ikebe and H. Fujishiro : Evidence for Zero- and p-Phase Order
Parameters of Superconducting Nb/Co Tri- and Pentalayers from the Oscillatory
Behavior of the Transition Temperature, Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, pp. 057008-1-4, 2005
see full paper
[E-15] Y. Obi, M. Ikebe and H. Fujishiro : Repulsive Flux Pinning Force in
NbTi/Nb Superconductor/Super-conductor Multilayers, J. Low Temp. Phys., 137, pp. 125-137, 2004
see full paper
[E-14] Y. Obi, H. Fujishiro and M. Ikebe : Evidence for zero and p phase from
superconducting transition temperature in Nb/Co superconducting multilayers, J.
Mag. Mag. Mat., 272-276, pp.
e1087-e1088, 2004
see full paper
[E-13] Y. Obi, M. Ikebe and H. Fujishiro, "Paauli paramagnetic effect and
spin-orbit scattering time in Nb/Al2O3 superconducting
multilayers", Physica B 329-333, pp.1423-1424, 2003
see full paper
[E-12] Y. Obi, M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, K. Takanaka and H. Fujimori,
"Synthetic Analyses of Tc and Hc2 of NbTi/Nb Superconductor/Superconductor
Superlattice", phys. stat. sol. 223, pp.799-809, 2001
see full paper
[E-11] Y. Obi, M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro and H. Fujimori, "Flux pinning
characteristics in NbTi/Nb superconductor/superconductor multilayers",
Physica B284-288, pp.857-858,
see full paper
[E-10] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, Y. Obi, H. Fujimori and S. Morohashi, "On
anomalous temperature dependence of Hc2 in natural and artificial
layer ssuperconductors", Physica C317-318, pp.142-148, 1999
see full paper
[E-9] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro and H. Iwasaki, "Magnetic structure and
dipolar interaction in antiferromagnetic superconductor BCT-ErRh4B4",
J. Mag. Mag. Mater. 177-181,
pp.549-550, 1998
see full paper
[E-8] Y. Obi, H. Fujimori, M. Ikebe and H. Fujishiro, "Flux pinning in
NbTi-based multilayers", Superlattices and Microstructures 21, pp.423-426, 1997
see full paper
[E-7] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, Y. Obi, H. Fujimori and Y. Kamiguchi, "Pauli
Paramagnetic Effect and Parallel Critical Field of Nb/Al2O3
Multilayers", Superlattices and Microstructures 21, pp.153-156, 1997
see full paper
[E-6] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, Y. Obi, H. Fujimori and K. Noto, "Transport
and Thermal Properties of Amorphous Mn-Y Alloys", Czech. J. Phys. 46. Suppl. S4, pp.2241-2242, 1996
see full paper
[E-5] M. Ikebe, Y. Obi, H. Fujishiro and H. Fujimori, "Flux Pinning and
Dimensionality of Superconductivity in Multilayers", Czech. J. Phys. 46. Suppl. S2, pp.719-720, 1996
see full paper
[E-4] Y. Obi, M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro and H. Fujimori, "Anomalous Tc
behavior in NbTi/Nb superconducting multilayers", Physica C235-240, pp.2561-2562, 1994
see full paper
[E-3] Y. Obi, M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro, S. Takahashi, H. Fujimori,
"Superconducting Properties of NbTi Based Multilayers", J. Low Temp.
Phys. 96, pp.1-18, 1994
see full paper
[E-2] M. Ikebe, Y. Obi, H. Fujishiro and H. Fujimori, "Dimensional
Crossover in the Nb/Al2O3 Josephson-Coupled
Multilayers", J.Phys.Soc. Jpn. 62, pp.3680-3685, 1993
see full paper
[E-1] Y. Obi, M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro and H. Fujimori, "Pinning Mechanism
Studies on the Nb /Ag Superconducting Multilayer", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 32, pp.1952-1955, 1993
see full paper
[F-4] M. Ikebe and H. Fujishiro, "Percolation Analyses on Transport
Properties of YBa2Cu3O7-d-Ag System", J.
Low Temp. Phys. 117, Nos. 5/6, pp.
1289-1293, 1999
see full paper
[F-3] M. Ikebe, H. Fujishiro and K. Noto, "Anisotropic Ag Contribution to
Transport Phenomena in Ag-Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy
Bulk Crystal", Proceedings of the 9th CIMTEC- World Forum on New
Materials, Symposium VI- Science and Engineering of HTC Superconductivity,
pp.421-428, 1999
see full paper
[F-2] M. Ikebe and H. Fujishiro, "Transport and Thermoelectric Properties
of YBa2Cu3O7-d-Ag Percolation System",
Proceedings of the 9th CIMTEC- World Forum on New Materials, Symposium VI-
Science and Engineering of HTC Superconductivity, pp.445-462, 1999
see full paper
[F-1] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, Y. Minato, H. Ogasawara and K. Noto, "Model
analyses of thermal conductivity and purity of doped Ag in Ag+YBa2Cu3O7",
Superlattices and Microstructures 21
[G-11] A. Yamanaka, Y. Izumi, T. Kitagawa, T. Terada, H. Sugihara, H. Hirahata,
K. Ema, H. Fujishiro and S. Nishijima, :The Radiation Effect on Thermal Strain
of High Strength Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene Fiber by g-Rays, J.
Appl. Polymer Sci. 101 pp. 2619-2626,
see full paper
[G-10] A. Yamanaka, Y. Izumi, T. Kitagawa, T. Terada, H. Hirahata, K. Ema, H.
Fujishiro and S. Nishijima, :The Effect of g-Irradiation on Thermal Strain of
High Strength Polyethylene Fiber at Low Temperature, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 102, pp. 204-209, 2006
see full paper
[G-9] A. Yamanaka, Y. Izumi, T. Terada, K. Ema, M. Tsutsumi, M. Nakamura, T.
Oohazama, T. Kitagawa, H. Fujishiro, S. Abe, S. Nishijima, "Radiation
Effect on Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity of Ramie Fibers in a Range of
Low Temperatures by gamma-Rays", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 100, p5007-5018, 2006
see full paper
[G-8] A. Yamanaka, S. Abe, M. Tsutsumi, T. Kitagawa, H. Fujishiro, K. Ema, Y.
Izumi and S. Nishijima :Thermal Conductivity of Ramie Fiber Drawn in Water in
Low Temperature, J. Appl. Polymer Sci., 100, pp. 2196-2202, 2006
see full paper
[G-7] A. Yamanaka, M. Yoshikawa, S. Abe, M. Tsutsumi, T. Oohazama, T.
Kitagawa, H. Fujishiro, K. Ema, Y. Izumi, S. Nishijima : Effects of
Vaper-Phase-Formaldehyde Treatments on Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity of
Ramie Fibers in the Range of Low Temperature, J. Polym. Sci., Part B, 43, pp. 2754-2766, 2005
see full paper
[G-6] A. Yamanaka, H. Fujishiro, T. Kashima, T. Kitagawa, K. Ema, Y. Izumi, M.
Ikebe and S. Nishijima : Thermal Conductivity of High Strength Polyethylene
Fiber in Low Temperature, J. Polym. Sci., Part B, 43, pp. 1495-1503, 2005
see full paper
[G-5] A. Yamanaka, T. Kitagawa, M. Tsutsumi, T. Kashima, H. Fujishiro, K. Ema,
Y. Izumi and S. Nishijima : Thermal Strain of High Strength Polyethylene Fiber
in Low Temperature, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 93, pp. 2918-2925, 2004
see full paper
[G-4] H. Nakane, S. Yamazaki,H. Fujishiro,T. Yamaguchi,S. Yoshizawa,T. Numazawa
andM. Okamura, "Low Temperature Properties of HoSb, DySb and GdSb",
Proceedings of the 11th International Cryocooler Conference (2000.6.20-22,
Colorado, USA), pp.451-457
[G-3] H. Nakane, S. Yamazaki,H. Fujishiro,S. Yoshizawa,T. Numazawa andM.
Okamura, "Low Temperature Properties of Rare-Earth and Sb Compounds",
Proceedings of the Sixth Joint Sino-Japanese Seminar on Cryocooler and its
Applications (JSJS-6) (2000.8.20-24, Lanzhou, China) pp.137-142
[G-2] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, T. Kashima and A. Yamanaka, "Drawing Effect
on Thermal Properties of High-Strength Polyethylene Fibers", Jpn. J. Appl.
Phys. 37, pp.1994-1995, 1998
see full paper
[G-1] H. Fujishiro, M. Ikebe, T. Kashima and A. Yamanaka, "Thermal
Conductivity and Diffusivity of High-Strength Polymer Fibers", Jpn. J.
Appl. Phys. 36, pp.5633-5637,
see full paper
[H-112] K. Takahashi, H. Fujishiro and M. D. Ainslie, “Validation of a desktop-type magnet providing a quasi-microgravity space in a room-temperature bore of a high-gradient trapped field magnet (HG-TFM)”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 35 (2022) 054003 (10.1088/1361-6668/ac5fe3) (11 pages)
see full paper
[H-111] Motoki Shinden, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Keita Takahashi and Mark D Ainslie, “Possibility of mechanical fracture of superconducting ring bulks due to thermal stress induced by local heat generation during pulsed-field magnetization”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 35 (2022) 045015 (10.1088/1361-6668/ac5785) (10 pages)
see full paper
[H-110] V. Cientanni, M. D. Ainslie, H. Fujishiro, K. Takahashi, “Modelling higher trapped fields by pulsed field magnetisation of composite bulk MgB2 superconducting rings”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 34 (2021) 114003 (13 pages) (10.1088/1361-6668/ac2621)
see full paper
[H-109-2] In-Gann Chen, “Realization of compact hybrid trapped field magnet above 10 T with 7 T applied field”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 34 (2021) 110501 (3 pages) (10.1088/1361-6668/ac19f2)
see full paper
[H-109] K Takahashi, H Fujishiro, S Namba and M. D. Ainslie, “Experimental realization of an all-(RE)BaCuO hybrid trapped field magnet lens generating a 9.8 T concentrated magnetic field from a 7 T external field”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 34 (2021) 05LT02 (9 pages) (10.1088/1361-6668/abeb01)
see full paper
[H-108] K Takahashi, H Fujishiro and M. D. Ainslie, “A conceptual study of a high gradient trapped field magnet (HG-TFM) providing toward a quasi-zero gravity space on Earth”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 34 (2021) 035001 (10.1088/1361-6668/abd386)
see full paper
[H-107] D. K. Namburi, K. Takahashi, T. Hirano, T. Kamada, H. Fujishiro, Y-H. Shi, D. A. Cardwell, J. H. Durrell and M. D. Ainslie, “Pulsed field magnetisation of infiltration growth-processed Y-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 33 (2020) 115012 (12 pages) (https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6668/abb590)
see full paper
[H-106] Motoki Shinden, Sora Namba, Tatsuya Hirano, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Tomoyuki Naito, and Mark D. Ainslie, "Numerical Simulation of a Hybrid Trapped Field Magnet Lens (HTFML) Magnetized by Pulsed Fields", J. Phys. Conf. Series 1590 (2020) 012048 (10.1088/1742-6596/1590/1/012048)
see full paper
[H-105] T. Hirano, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito and M. Ainslie, “Simulation of mechanical stresses in reinforced REBaCuO ring bulks during pulsed-field magnetization”, J. Phys. Conf. Series 1559 012027 (2020) (10.1088/1742-6596/1559/1/012027)
see full paper
[H-104] S Namba, H Fujishiro, T Naito, M D Ainslie and D Zhou, “Realisation of Hybrid Trapped Field Magnetic Lens (HTFML) consisting of REBCO bulk lens and REBCO bulk cylinder at 77 K”, J. Phys. Conf. Series 1559 012079 (2020) (10.1088/1742-6596/1559/1/012079)
see full paper
[H-103] F. Shimoyashiki, H. Fujishiro, T. Hirano, T. Naito and M. D. Ainslie, "Simulation of mechanical stress in REBaCuO disk bulk magnetized by pulsed-field", J. Phys. Conf. Series 1559 012029 (2020) (10.1088/1742-6596/1559/1/012029)
see full paper
[H-102] Tatsuya Hirano, Yuhei Takahashi, Sora Namba, Tomoyuki Naito and Hiroyuki Fujishiro, “A record-high trapped field of 1.61 T in MgB2 bulk comprised of copper plates and soft iron yoke cylinder using pulsed-field magnetization”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 33 085002 (2020)
see full paper
[H-101] Sora Namba, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Tatsuya Hirano, Tomoyuki Naito and Mark D Ainslie, "Optimized performance of an all-REBaCuO hybrid trapped field magnet lens (HTFML) with liquid nitrogen cooling", Physica C 575 1353690 (2020)
see full paper
[H-100] K. Takahashi, H. Fujishiro and M. D. Ainslie, " Simulation study for magnetic levitation in pure water exploiting the ultra-high magnetic field gradient product of a Hybrid Trapped Field Magnet Lens (HTFML)", J. Appl. Phys. 127, 185106 (2020); (https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0005356)
see full paper
[H-99] T. Hirano, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito and M. D Ainslie, “Numerical simulation of flux jump behavior in REBaCuO ring bulks with an inhomogeneous Jc profile during pulsed field magnetization”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 33 (2020) 044003 (11pp) (https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6668/ab7297)
see full paper
[H-98] T. Naito, H. Fujishiro and S. Awaji, “Field-cooled magnetization of Y-Ba-Cu-O superconducting bulk pair reinforced by full metal encapsulation under high magnetic fields up to 22 T”, J. Appl. Phys. 126 (2019) 243901 (8 pages) (https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5124010)
see full paper
[H-97-2] S. Nariki, “New type of hybrid magnetic lens for practical applications of HTS bulk superconductors”, SuST Viewpoint 34 (2021) 030501 (3 pages) (10.1088/1361-6668/abcb47)
see full paper
[H-97] Sora Namba, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Tomoyuki Naito, Mark D Ainslie, Keita Takahashi, “Experimental realization of a Hybrid Trapped Field Magnet Lens (HTFML) using a GdB aCuO magnetic lens and MgB2 bulk cylinder”, SuST Letter 32 (2019) 12LT03 (7 pages) (10.1088/1361-6668/ab5048)
see full paper
[H-96] Sora Namba, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Tomoyuki Naito, Mark D Ainslie and Kai Y Huang, “Electromagnetic strain measurements and bidirectional mechanical stress estimation for a REBaCuO ring bulk reinforced by a metal ring during field-cooled magnetization” to be published in Supercond. Sci. Technol. 32 (2019) 125011 (10 pages) (10.1088/1361-6668/ab4a8b)
see full paper
[H-95] F. Shimoyashiki, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, and M. D. Ainslie, “Trapped field properties of GdBaCuO superconducting bulk with various diameters magnetized by pulsed field using identical split coil”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. vol. 29, no. 5, 6802405 (2019) (10.1109/TASC.2019.2901349)
see full paper
[H-94] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, Y. Yanagi, Y. Itoh and T. Nakamura, “Promising effects of a new hat structure and double metal ring for mechanical reinforcement of REBaCuO ring-shaped bulk during field-cooled magnetization at 10 T without fracture”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 32 (2019) 065001. (https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6668/ab0bed)
see full paper
[H-93] H. Fujishiro, K. Takahashi, T. Naito, Y. Itoh, Y. Yanagi, T. Nakamura and M. D. Ainslie, “Influence of Inner Diameter and Height of Ring-shaped REBaCuO Bulks on Electromagnetic and Mechanical Properties during Field-cooled Magnetization”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. (2019) vol. 29 no.5. 6801206 (10.1109/TASC.2019.2896782)
see full paper
[H-92] T. Hirano, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, M. D. Ainslie and Y-H. Shi, “Flux dynamics and thermal behavior of a Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk magnetized by single- and multi-pulse techniques using split-type coil”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29 no.5 (2019) 6801705 (10.1109/TASC.2019.2900979)
see full paper
[H-91] S. Namba, H. Fujishiro, M. D. Ainslie, K. Takahashi, T. Naito, Devendra K. Namburi, and Difan Zhou, “Design optimization of a hybrid trapped field magnet lens (HTFML)” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29 no.5 (2019) 6801605 (10.1109/TASC.2019.2899255)
see full paper
[H-90] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito and S. Awaji, “Proposal of effective mechanical reinforcement structure for REBaCuO disk bulk pair by full metal encapsulation to achieve higher trapped field over 20 T”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 32 (2019) 045005 (https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6668/ab0017)
see full paper
[H-89] Tatsuya Hirano, Keita Takahashi, Fumiya Shimoyashiki, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Tomoyuki Naito, and Mark D. Ainslie, “Influence of Jc(B, T) Characteristics on the Pulsed Field Magnetization of REBaCuO Disk Bulks, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29 no.3 (2019) 8000705
see full paper
[H-88] M. D. Ainslie, K. Y. Huang, H. Fujishiro, J. Chaddock, K. Takahashi, S. Namba, D. A. Cardwell and J. H. Durrell, “Numerical modelling of mechanical stresses in bulk superconductor magnets with and without mechanical reinforcement” Supercond. Sci. Technol. 32 (2019) 015007
see full paper
[H-87] K. Takahashi, S. Namba, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, Y. Yanagi, Y. Itoh, T. Nakamura; “Thermal and magnetic strain measurements on REBaCuO ring bulk reinforced by metal ring during field-cooled magnetization”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 32 (2019) 015007
see full paper
[H-86] K. Takahashi, H. Fujishiro and M. D. Ainslie, “A new concept of hybrid trapped field magnet lens (HTFML)”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 31 (2018) 044005
see full paper
[H-85] K. Takahashi, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, Y. Yanagi, Y. Itoh and T. Nakamura, “Numerical simulation of electromagnetic and thermal hoop stresses in REBaCuO superconducting ring and disk bulks reinforced by stainless steel ring with various thicknesses during field-cooled magnetization”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 28 (2018) 6800705
see full paper
[H-84] Mark D Ainslie, Jan Srpcic, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Difan Zhou, Keita Takahashi, Fernando Perez, David A Cardwell, John H Durrell, “Towards optimization of multi-pulse, multi-temperature pulsed field magnetization of bulk high-temperature superconductors”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 28 (2018) 6800207
see full paper
[H-83] H. Fujishiro, K. Takahashi, T. Naito, Y. Yanagi, Y. Itoh and T. Nakamura, “A new proposal of mechanical reinforcement structures to annular REBaCuO bulk magnet for compact and cryogen-free NMR spectrometer”, Physica C 550 (2018) 52-56 (2018)
see full paper
[H-82] Mark D. Ainslie, Akiyasu Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Jeremy D. Weiss and Eric E. Hellstrom, “Numerical modelling of iron-pnictide bulk superconductor magnetization”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 30 (2017) 105009 (7 pages)
see full paper
[H-81] K. Takahashi, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, Y. Yanagi, Y. Itoh and T. Nakamura, “Fracture behavior by magnetic stress in EuBaCuO superconducting ring bulk reinforced by a stainless steel during field-cooled magnetization”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 30 (2017) 115006 (9 pages)
see full paper
[H-80] H. Fujishiro, M. D. Ainslie, K. Takahashi, T. Naito, Y. Yanagi, Y. Itoh and T. Nakamura, “Simulation studies of mechanical stresses in REBaCuO superconducting ring bulks with infinite and finite height reinforced by metal ring during field-cooled magnetization”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 30, 085008 (2017). (12 pages)
see full paper
[H-79] K. Takatashi, M. D. Ainslie, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, Y-H. Shi, and D. A. Cardwell, “Trapped field properties of a Y-Ba-Cu-O bulk using pulsed field magnetization with a split coil with iron yokes of various geometries and magnetic properties”, Physica C, 536 (2017) pp. 1-10
see full paper
[H-78] M. D. Ainslie, H. Fujishiro, K. Takahashi, Y-H. Shi, D. A. Cardwell, “Pulsed field magnetization of bridge-seeded, bulk YBCO using solenoid and split coils”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 27 (2017) 6801105 (5 pages)
see full paper
[H-77] 藤代博之、柳 陽介、伊藤佳孝、仲村高志、「超電導各層円筒内挿によるNMR用超電導バルクの捕捉磁場均一化のシミュレーション解析 ―円筒の位置、長さ、形状の影響―」、低温工学 52 (2017) pp. 33-37
see full paper
[H-76] T. Naito, H. Mochizuki, H. Fujishiro and H. Teshima, “Trapped magnetic-field properties of prototype for Gd-Ba-Cu-O/MgB2 hybrid-type superconducting bulk magnet”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 29 (2016) 034005 (8 pages)
see full paper
[H-75] K Takahashi, H Fujishiro, M. D. Ainslie and T Naito, “Pulsed field magnetizing characteristics of rectangular-shaped GdBaCuO bulk using split- and solenoid-type coils”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 27 (2017) 6800205 (4 pages)
see full paper
[H-73] H. Fujishiro, K. Takahashi, M.D. Ainslie, H. Mochizuki and T. Naito, “Suppression of flux jumps and enhancement of trapped field on high-Jc MgB2 bulk using split-type coil with soft iron yoke during pulsed field magnetization”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 27 (2017) 6800404 (4 pages)
see full paper
[H-72] H. Fujishiro, H. Mochizuki, T. Naito, M. D. Ainslie and G. Giunchi, “Flux jumps in high-Jc MgB2 bulks during pulsed field magnetization”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 29 (2016) 034006 (7 pages)
see full paper
[H-71] M. D. Ainslie, D. Zhou, H. Fujishiro, K. Takahashi, Y-H. Shi and J. H. Durrell, “Flux jump-assisted pulsed field magnetization of high-Jc bulk high-temperature superconductors”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 29 (2016) 124004 (9 pages)
see full paper
[H-70] H. Fujishiro, H. Mochizuki, M.D. Ainslie and T. Naito, “Trapped field of 1.1 Tesla without flux jumps on high-Jc MgB2 bulk during pulsed field magnetization using split coil with soft iron yoke”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 29 (2016) 084001 (10 pages)
see full paper
[H-69] M D Ainslie, H Fujishiro, H Mochizuki, K Takahashi, Y-H Shi, D K Namburi, J Zou, D Zhou, A R Dennis and D A Cardwell, “Enhanced trapped field performance of bulk high-temperature superconductors using split coil, pulsed field magnetization with an iron yoke” Supercond. Sci. Technol. 29 (2016) 074003 (16 pages)
see full paper
[H-68] H. Mochizuki, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, Y. Itoh, Y. Yanagi and T. Nakamura, “Trapped field characteristics and fracture behavior of REBaCuO bulk ring during pulsed field magnetization”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 26 (2016) 6800205 (5pages)
see full paper
[H-67] H. Fujishiro, H. Mochizuki, T. Naito, M. D. Ainslie and G. Giunchi, “Flux jumps in high-Jc MgB2 bulks during pulsed field magnetization”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 29 (2016) 034006
see full paper
[H-66] Mark Douglas Ainslie, Hidehiko Mochizuki, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Wei Zhai, Yun-hua Shi, Anthony Dennis, David Anthony Cardwell, “Pulsed field magnetization of single grain YBCO processed from graded precursor powders”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 26 (2016) 6800104
see full paper
[H-65] M. D. Ainslie, J. Zou, H. Mochizuki, H. Fujishiro, Y-H. Shi, A. R. Dennis and D. A. Cardwell, “Pulsed field magnetization of 0°-0° and 45°-45° bridge-seeded Y-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors” Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 (2015) 125002 (14 pages)
see full paper
[H-64] H. Mochizuki, H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, A Figini Albisetti and G. Giunchi, “Trapped field properties of concentric circle MgB2 bulk composite magnetized by pulsed field and field cooling” Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 (2015) 105004 (7 pages)
see full paper
[H-63] H. Fujishiro, Y. Itoh, Y. Yanagi and T. Nakamura, “Drastic improvement of the trapped field homogeneity in a superconducting hollow bulk by the insertion of a high-Jc superconducting cylinder for NMR bulk magnets”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 (2015) 095018 (8 pages)
see full paper
[H-62] J. Zou, M. D. Ainslie, H. Fujishiro, A. G. Bhagurkar, T. Naito, N. Hari Babu, J-F. Fagnard, P. Vanderbemden, A. Yamamoto, “Numerical modeling and comparison of MgB2 bulks fabricated by HIP and infiltration growth magnetized by field cooling”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 (2015) 075009 (9 pages)
see full paper
[H-61] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, T. Ujiie, T. Mochizuki, T. Yoshida, “Recent progress of MgB2 bulk magnet magnetized by pulsed field”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25 (2015) 6800104
see full paper
[H-60] M. D. Ainslie, H. Fujishiro, “Modelling of bulk superconductor magnetization”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 (2015) 053002 (20 pages) (Topical Review Paper).
see full paper
[H-59] T. Yoshida, T. Naito and H. Fujishiro, "Effects of sintering condition on the trapped magnetic field properties for MgB2 bulks fabricated by in-situ capsule method", Physics Procedia 58 (2014) pp. 106-109
see full paper
[H-58] A. Murakami, H. Teshima, T. Naito, H. Fujishiro, T. Kudo, "Mechanical properties of MgB2 bulks", Physics Procedia 58 (2014) pp. 98-101
see full paper
[H-57] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, T. Ujiie, A. Figini Albisetti and G. Giunchi, メTrapped field and flux dynamics in MgB2 superconducting bulks magnetized by pulsed fieldモ, Physics Procedia 58 (2014) pp. 286-289
see full paper
[H-56] T. Ujiie, T. Naito, H. Fujishiro, A. Figini Albisetti and G. Giunchi, "Shielding and trapped field properties of large MgB2 bulk", Physics Procedia 58 (2014) pp. 306-309
see full paper
[H-55] H. Fujishiro, T Ujiie, T Naito, A Figini Albisetti and G Giunchi, "Trapped magnetic field between double stacked MgB2 bulks magnetized by pulsed fieldモ, J. Phys. Conf. Series, 507 (2014) 032016 (4 pages)
see full paper
[H-54] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito and T. Yoshida, "Numerical simulation of trapped field on MgB2 bulk disk magnetized by field cooling", Supercond. Sci. Technol. 27 (2014) 065019 (7 pages)
see full paper
[H-53] M. D. Ainslie, H. Fujishiro, T. Ujiie, J. Zou, A. Dennis, Y.-H. Shi and D. A. Cardwell, "Modeling and comparison of trapped fields in (RE)BCO bulk superconductors for activation using pulsed field magnetization", Supercond. Sci. Technol. 27 (2014) 065008 (9 pages)
see full paper
[H-52] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, M. Oyama, T. Arayashiki, T. Tamura, T. Sasaki and G. Giunchi, "Numerical simulation of trapped field and temperature rise in MgB2 bulks magnetized by pulsed field", IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 23 (2013) 6800804 (4 pages)
see full paper
[H-51] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, T. Sasaki, T. Arayashiki, "Trapped field and temperature rise in MgB2 bulks magnetized by pulsed field", Proc. ICEC24-ICMC2012 (2013) pp. 571-574
see full paper
[H-50] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito and M. Oyama, "Three-dimensional simulation of magnetic flux dynamics and temperature rise in HTSC bulk during pulsed field magnetization", Physics Procedia, 36 (2012) pp. 687-692
see full paper
[H-49] H. Fujishiro, T. Arayashiki, T. Tamura, T. Naito, H. Teshima and M. Morita, "Trapped field profiles on square-shaped GdBaCuO bulks with different arrangement of growth sector boundaries", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 51 (2012) 093005 (5 pages)
see full paper
[H-48] T. Naito, D. Furuta, T. Arayashiki, H. Fujishiro, Y. Yanagi and Y. Itoh, "Position dependence of irreversibility line on thin plate Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductor", Physics Procedia 27 (2012) pp. 168-171.
see full paper
[H-47] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, M. Oyama, "Simulation of flux dynamics in a superconducting bulk magnetized by multi-pulse technique", Physica C 471 (2011) pp. 889-892
see full paper
[H-46] T. Oka, H. Seki, T. Kimura, D. Mimura, S. Fukui, J. Ogawa, T. Sato, M. Ooizumi, H. Fujishiro, H. Hayashi, K. Yokoyama and C. Stiehler, "Magnetic Separation Technique for Ground Water by Five HTS Melt-Processed Bulk Magnets Arranged in a Line", Physica C 471 (2011) pp. 1506-1560
see full paper
[H-45] H. Fujishiro, T. Handa, T. Naito, N. Kikuchi, "Jc distribution measurement and analysis on superconducting bulk using "Magnetoscan" method", Physica C 471 (2011) pp. 893-896
see full paper
[H-44] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, D. Furuta, T. Arayashiki, Y. Yanagi and Y. Itoh, "Direct Jc measurements and trapped field profiles using an identical superconducting bulk", Supercond. Sci. Technol. 24 (2011) 105003 (6 pages)
see full paper
[H-43] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito and D. Furuta, "Analysis of temperature and magnetic field distribution in superconducting bulk during pulsed field magnetization", IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 21 (2011) pp. 2723-2726
see full paper
[H-42] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito and M. Oyama, "Mechanism of magnetic flux trapping on superconducting bulk magnetized by pulsed field using a vortex-type coil", Supercond. Sci. Technol. 24 (2011) 075015 (7 pages)
see full paper
[H-41] H. Fujishiro and T. Naito: Simulation of temperature and magnetic field distribution in superconducting bulk during pulsed field magnetization, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23 (2010) 105021 (8pp)
see full paper
[H-40] H. Fujishiro, D. Furuta, T. Naito, K. Yaegashi and N. Yoshimoto: Large and spatial magnetic field modulation using superconducting bulk magnet and silicon steel, Physica C 470 (2010) pp. 1856-1859
see full paper
[H-39] H. Fujishiro, K. Kakehata, D. Furuta and T. Naito: Temperature measurements in small holes drilled in HTSC bulk during pulsed field magnetization, Physica C 470 (2010) pp. 1181-1184
see full paper
[H-38] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, T. Miura and H. Hayashi: Highly efficient magnetic separation using five-aligned superconducting bulk magnet, J. Phys. Conf. Series 234 (2010) 032015 (6pp)
see full paper
[H-37] 岡 徹雄,横山 和哉,藤代 博之,能登 宏七、「準静的磁場による磁化過程における溶融超伝導バルク磁石の温度変化と磁場特性」、低温工学 44 (2009) pp. 587-593
see full paper
[H-36] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, K. Kakehata, Y. Yanagi and Y. Itoh: Estimation of temperature rise from trapped field gradient on superconducting bulk magnetized by multi-pulse technique, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23 (2010) 025013 (6pp)
see full paper
[H-35] H. Fujishiro, K. Kakehata, T. Naito, Y. Yanagi and Y. Itoh: Enhancement of total trapped fluxes on f65 mm GdBaCuO bulk by multi-pulse techniques, Physica C 469 (2009) pp. 1250-1253
see full paper
[H-34] H. Fujishiro, T. Hiyama, T. Naito, Y. Yanagi and Y. Itoh: Enhancement of trapped field and total trapped flux on GdBaCuO bulk by MMPSC-IMRA method, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 22 (2009) 095006 (6pp)
see full paper
[H-33] H. Fujishiro, T. Hiyama, T. Miura, T. Naito, S. Nariki, N. Sakai, I. Hirabayashi: Pulsed Field Magnetization for GdBaCuO Bulk with Stronger Pinning Characteristics, to be published in IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 19 (2009) pp. 3545-3548
see full paper
[H-32] T. Oka, K. Yokoyama, H. Fujishiro and K. Noto: Thermal and Magnetic Behaviors of Melt-Textured Superconducting Bulk Magnet in Zero-Field Cooling Magnetizing Process, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 22 (2009) 065014 (8pp)
see full paper
[H-31] T. Oka, K. Yokoyama, H. Fujishiro and K. Noto: Thermal Behavior and Field-Trapping Property of Melt-Textured Superconducting Bulk Magnets Activated by Quasi-Static Magnetic Fields, J. Phys. Conf. Series 150 (2009) 052195 (4 pages)
see full paper
[H-30] K. Kajikawa, R. Yokoo, K. Tomachi, K. Enpuku, K. Funaki, H. Hayashi and H. Fujishiro, “TFinite element analysis of pulse field magnetization process in a cylindrical bulk superconductor” , Physica C 468 (2008) pp. 1494-1497
see full paper
[H-29] H. Fujishiro, T. Tateiwa, K. Kakehata, T. Hiyama, T. Naito and Y. Yanagi, “Trapped field characteristics on f65 mm GdBaCuO bulk by modified multi-pulse technique with stepwise cooling (MMPSC)” , Physica C 468 (2008) pp. 1477-1480
see full paper
[H-28] T. Hiyama, H. Fujishiro, T. Tateiwa, T. Naito, H. Hayashi and K. Tone, “Trapped Field Enhancement of Five-aligned Superconducting Bulk Magnetized by Pulse Field for Magnetic Separation” , Physica C 468 (2008) pp. 1469-1472
see full paper
[H-27] H. Fujishiro, T. Hiyama, T. Naito, T. Tateiwa and Y. Yanagi, “Possible explanation for trapped field enhancement on REBaCuO bulk by modified multi-pulse technique with stepwise cooling (MMPSC)” , Materials Science and Engineering B 151 (2008) pp. 95-100
see full paper
[H-26] K. Yokoyama, T. Oka, H. Fujishiro and K. Noto, “Numerical Analysis of Bulk Superconducting Magnet Magnetized by Pulsed-Field Considering a Partial Difference of Superconducting Characteristics” , IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 18 (2008) pp. 1545-1548
see full paper
[H-25] K. Yokoyama, T.
Oka, H. Fujishiro and K. Noto, “Evaluation of Current Distribution of Bulk
Superconductors Magnetized by Pulsed Field” , Physica C 463-465 (2007) pp. 410-414
see full paper
[H-24] T.
Tateiwa, Y. Sazuka, H. Fujishiro, H. Hayashi, T. Nagafuchi and T. Oka, “Trapped
field and temperature rise in rectangular shaped HTSC bulk magnetized by pulse
fields”, Physica C 463-465 (2007) pp.
see full paper
[H-23] H.
Fujishiro, T. Hiyama, T. Tateiwa, Y. Yanagi and T. Oka, “Importance of initial
M-shaped trapped field profile using a two-step pulse field magnetization
(MMPSC) method”, Physica C 463-465
(2007) pp. 394-397
see full paper
[H-22] T. Oka,
K. Yokoyama, H. Fujishiro and K. Noto, “Temperature Rise in Melt-Textured Large
Grain Superconducting Bulk Magnets during Magnetizing Processes”, Physica C 460-462 (2007) pp. 748-749
see full paper
[H-21] H.
Fujishiro, T. Tateiwa, K. Kakehata, T. Hiyama and T. Naito, “Trapped Field and
Temperature Rise on f65 mm GdBaCuO Bulk by Pulse Field Magnetization”,
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 20 (2007) pp.
see full paper
[H-20] H.
Fujishiro, T. Tateiwa and T. Hiyama, “Enhancement of Trapped Field and Total
Trapped Flux on High Temperature Bulk Superconductor by a New Pulse-Field
Magnetization Method”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46 (2007) pp. 4108-4112
see full paper
[H-19] 藤原 篤、立岩達也、藤代博之、林 秀美、永渕尚志、岡 徹雄、:パルス着磁によるab面方向冷却型超伝導バルク磁石の伝熱解析---c軸方向冷却との比較
---, 低温工学、41, pp. 390-396, 2006
see full paper
[H-18] H. Fujishiro, S. Kawaguchi, M. Kaneyama, A. Fujiwara, T. Tateiwa and T.
Oka, Heat Propagation Analysis in HTSC Bulks during Pulse Field Magnetization,
Supercond. Sci. Technol., 19,
pp. S540-S544, 2006
see full paper
[H-17] H. Fujishiro, A. Fujiwara, T. Tateiwa, T. Oka and H. Hayashi, New Type
Superconducting Bulk Magnet by Pulse Field Magnetization with Usable Surface on
Both-sides in Open Space, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 16 pp. 1080-1083, 2006
see full paper
[H-16] A. Fujiwara, T. Tateiwa, H. Fujishiro, H. Hayashi, T. Nagafuchi and T.
Oka, Development of five aligned superconducting bulk magnets by pulse field
magnetizing, Physica C, 445-448,
pp. 399-402, 2006
see full paper
[H-15] Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Tatsuya Tateiwa, Atsushi Fujiwara, Tetsuo Oka and
Hidemi Hayashi, Higher trapped field over 5 Tesla on HTSC bulk by modified
pulse field magnetizing, Physica C, 445-448, pp. 334-338, 2006
see full paper
[H-14] H. Fujishiro, M. Kaneyama, T. Tateiwa and T. Oka : Trapped Field over 4
Tesla on GdBaCuO Bulk by Pulse Field Method and Magnetizing Mechanism, J.
Phys.: Conf. Series, 43, pp.
405-408, 2006
see full paper
[H-13] T. Oka, K. Yokoyama, H. Fujishiro, M. Kaneyama and K. Noto : Temperature
changes in a melt-processed YBCO superconductor activated by field cooling
magnetizing process, Physica C, 426-431, pp. 794-799, 2005
see full paper
[H-12] K. Yokoyama, M. Kaneyama, H. Fujishiro, T. Oka and K. Noto : Temperature
rise and trapped field in a GdBaCuO bulk superconductor cooled down to 10 K
after applying pulse magnetic field, Physica C, Vol. 426-431, pp. 671-675, 2005
see full paper
[H-11] H. Fujishiro, K. Yokoyama, M. Kaneyama, M. Ikebe, T. Oka and K. Noto :
Approach from temperature measurement to trapped field enhancement in HTSC
bulks by pulse field magnetizing, Physica C, 426-431, pp. 594-601, 2005
see full paper
[H-10] H. Fujishiro, M. Kaneyama, T. Tateiwa and T. Oka : Record High Trapped
Field by Pulse Field Magnetization Using GdBaCuO Bulk Superconductor, Jpn. J.
Appl. Phys., 44, pp.
L1221-L1224, 2005
see full paper
[H-9] 金山雅彦、藤代博之、横山和哉、岡 徹雄、能登宏七:20-40 KにおけるSm-Ba-Cu-Oバルクに対するパルス着磁による捕捉磁場と発熱解析、低温工学、40, pp. 231-237, 2005
see full paper
[H-8] H. Fujishiro, M. Kaneyama, K. Yokoyama, T. Oka and K. Noto : Rise-Time
Elongation Effects on Trapped Field and Temperature Rise in Pulse Field
Magnetization for High Temperature Superconducting Bulk, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 44, pp. 4919-4925, 2005
see full paper
[H-7] H. Fujishiro, K. Yokoyama, M. Kaneyama, T. Oka and K. Noto : Effect of
Metal Ring Setting Outside HTSC Bulk Disk on Trapped Field and Temperature Rise
in Pulse Filed Magnetizing, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15, pp. 3762-3765, 2005
see full paper
[H-6] H. Fujishiro, M. Kaneyama, K. Yokoyama, T. Oka and K. Noto : Generated
heat during pulse field magnetizing for REBaCuO (RE=Gd, Sm, Y) bulk
superconductors with different pinning ability, Supercond. Sci. Technol., 18, pp. 158-165, 2005
see full paper
[H-5] K. Yokoyama, M. Kaneyama, T. Oka, H. Fujishiro and K. Noto : Temperature
measurement of RE123 bulk superconductors on magnetizing process, Physica C, 412-414, pp. 688-694, 2004
see full paper
[H-4] H. Fujishiro, K. Yokoyama, M. Kaneyama, T. Oka and K. Noto : Estimation
of generated heat in pulse field magnetizing for SmBaCuO bulk superconductor,
Physica C, 412-414, pp. 646-650,
see full paper
[H-3] H. Fujishiro, T. Oka, K. Yokoyama, M. Kaneyama and K. Noto : Flux Motion
Studies by Means of Temperature Measurement in Magnetizing Processes for HTSC
Bulks, IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond., 14, pp. 1054-1057, 2004
see full paper
[H-2] H. Fujishiro, K. Yokoyama, T. Oka, and K. Noto, "Temperature rise in
an Sm-based bulk superconductor after applying iterative pulse field",
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 17,
pp.51-57, 2004
see full paper
[H-1] H. Fujishiro, T. Oka, K. Yokoyama and K. Noto, "Time evolution and
spatial distribution of temperature in YBCO bulk superconductor after pulse
field magnetizing", Supercond. Sci. Technol. 16, pp.809-814, 2003
see full paper
[I-14] Mamoru Ishizawa, Yuki Yasuzato, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Tomoyuki Naito, Hirokazu Katsui and Takashi Goto, “Oxidation states and thermoelectric properties of BiCuSeO bulks fabricated under Bi or Se deficiencies in the nominal composition”, J. Appl. Phys. 123 (2018) 245104
see full paper
[I-13] Mamoru Ishizawa, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Tomoyuki Naito, Akihiko Ito and Takashi Goto, “Crystal orientation, crystallinity, and thermoelectric properties of Bi0.9Sr0.1CuSeO epitaxial films grown by pulsed laser deposition”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57 (2017) 025502 (7 pages)
see full paper
[I-12] Takamitsu Hara, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Tomoyuki Naito, Akihiko Ito and Takashi Goto, “Optimized growth condition of SnSe epitaxial films grown by pulsed laser deposition”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 56 (2017) 125503 (6 pages
see full paper
[I-11] Shu Mizuno, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Mamoru Ishizawa, Tomoyuki Naito, Hirokazu Katsui and Takashi Goto, “Thermoelectric properties of LiCo1-xMxO2 (M=Cu, Mg, Ni, Zn) and comparison to LiyCoO2 and NayCoO2 systems”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 56 (2017) 021101
see full paper
[I-10] Shu Mizuno, Mamoru Ishizawa, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Tomoyuki Naito, Hirokazu Katsui and Takashi Goto, “Ball milling effects for induced carriers and reduced grain size on thermoelectric properties in Bi1-xSrxCuSeO (x=0, 0.1)”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 55 (2016) 115801 (7 pages
see full paper
[I-9] R. Abe, H. Fujishiro and T. Naito, “Substitution effect of tetravalent and pentavalent elements on thermoelectric properties of In2O3-SnO2 system”, Trans. Materials Research Society of Japan 41 (2016) pp. 101-108.
see full paper
[I-8] N. Yoshida, T. Naito and H. Fujishiro, "Thermoelectric properties of Li-doped Cu0.95-xM0.05LixO (M=Mn, Ni, Zn)", MRS Online Proceedings 1490 (2013) pp. 69-73
see full paper
[I-7] N. Yoshida, T. Naito and H. Fujishiro, "Thermoelectric Properties of Li-Doped CuO", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 52 (2013) 031102 (5 pages)
see full paper
[I-6] H. Fujishiro, Y. Fujine, Y. Kashiwada, M. Ikebe and J. Hejtmanek, Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties at X?0.1 in La1-XSrXCoO3 and La1-XSrX(Co1-YMY)O3 (M=Cr, Co), Proceedings of 21th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT ユ03) IEEE, (La Grande-Motte, France, August 17-21, 2003), pp. 235-238, 2004
see full paper
[I-5] H. Fujishiro, Y. Fujine, J. Hejtmanek, D. Sedmidubsky, A. Maignan and C. Martin : Search for p-type oxide thermoelectrics ミcobaltites, Proceedings of 21th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT ユ03) IEEE, (La Grande-Motte, France, August 17-21, 2003), pp. 192-195, 2004
see full paper
[I-4] Y.-H. Lee, T. Koyanagi and H. Fujishiro: Transport Properties of Bi-Sb Sintered Alloys Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering, Proceedings of 23rd International Coference on Thermoelectrics, 25-29 July
2004, Adelaide, Australia) Paper (4 pages)
[I-3] H. Fujishiro, Y. Fujine, M. Ikebe and J. Hejtmanek, Influence of Co-site
Substitution on Thermoelectric Properties in La1-XSrXCoO3,
Proceedings of 23rd International Coference on Thermoelectrics, 25-29 July
2004, Adelaide, Australia) Paper No. 83 (4 pages)
see full paper
[I-2] H. Fujishiro, Y. Suzuki, Y. Fujine and M. Ikebe, Size Effect of A-site
Cation on n-type Thermoelectric Properties in CaMnO3-based System, Proceedings
of 23rd International Coference on Thermoelectrics, 25-29 July 2004, Adelaide,
Australia) Paper No. 82 (4 pages)
see full paper
[I-1] H. Fujishiro, K. Kusaka, M. Ikebe, H. Ogasawara and K. Noto,
"Possibility of Ag2O+YBa2Cu3O7-X
Ceramics for Low Temperature Thermoelectric Refrigeration", Cryogenics 34, Suppl. ICEC-15, pp.231-234, 1994
see full paper
[I-0] H. Fujishiro, K. Kusaka, M. Ikebe and K. Noto,
"Use of Bi-2223 Superconducting Tapes Sheathed with Ag-Au Alloys for a Passive Thermoelement
", Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, pp. 169-174, 1993
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[J-17] Muralidhar Miryala, Sai Srikanth Arvapalli, Naomichi Sakai, Masato Murakami, Hidehiko Mochizuki, Tomoyuki Naito, Hiroyuki Fujshiro, Milos Jirsa, Akira Murakami, Jacques Noudem, “Complex Pulse Magnetization Process and Mechanical Properties of Spark Plasma Sintered Bulk MgB2”, Materials Science & Engineering B 273 (2021) 115390 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mseb.2021.115390)
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[J-16] Tomoyuki Naito, Arata Ogino, Hiroyuki Fujishiro, Satoshi Awaji, “Effects of Carbon Doping on Trapped Magnetic Field of MgB2 Bulk Prepared by in-situ Hot Isostatic Pressing Method’, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 30, No.4, 6800406 (2020) (https://doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2020.2985355)
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[J-15] Y. Takahashi, T. Naito, and H. Fujishiro, “Vortex pinning properties and microstructure of MgB2 heavily doped with titanium group elements”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 30 (2017) 125006 (6 pages)
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[J-14] T. Naito, Y. Endo and H. Fujishiro, “Enhancement of vortex pinning properties on ex-situ MgB2 bulks using ball-milling and spark plasma sintering processes: the dimensional change in grain boundary pinning”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 30 (2017) 095007 (8 pages)
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[J-13] A. Ogino, T. Naito, and H. Fujishiro, “Optimization of infiltration and reaction process for the fabrication of strong MgB2 bulk magnets”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 27 (2017) 6800905
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[J-12] T. Naito, A. Ogino and H. Fujishiro, “Potential ability of 3 T-class trapped field on MgB2 bulk surface synthesized by the infiltration-capsule method”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 29 (2016) 115003
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[J-11] T. Naito, T. Yoshida, H. Mochizuki, H. Fujishiro, R. Basu and A. Szpunar, “Vortex Pinning Properties of Dense Ti-doped MgB2 Bulks Sintered at Different Temperature”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 26 (2016) 6800805 (5 pages)
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[J-10] T. Naito, H. Mochizuki, H. Fujishiro and H. Teshima, “Trapped magnetic-field properties of prototype for Gd-Ba-Cu-O/MgB2 hybrid-type superconducting bulk magnet”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 29 (2016) 034005
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[J-9] T. Naito, T. Yoshida and H. Fujishiro, “Trapped magnetic field properties of MgB2 bulks doped with Ti”, Physics Procedia 67 (2015) pp. 958-962
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[J-8] T. Naito, T. Yoshida and H. Fujishiro, “Ti-doping effects on magnetic properties of dense MgB2 bulk superconductors”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 (2015) 095009 (8 pages)
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[J-7] T. Yoshida, T. Naito and H. Fujishiro, “Development of 4 T class MgB2 bulk magnets doped by Ti”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25 (2015) 6801204
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[J-6] T. Sasaki, T. Naito and H. Fujishiro, "Trapped magnetic field of dense MgB2 bulks fabricated under high pressure", Physics Procedia 45 (2013) pp. 93-96
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[J-5] T. Sasaki, T. Naito and H. Fujishiro, "Trapped field and critical density of MgB2 bulk fabricated by a capsule method", Proc. ICEC24-ICMC2012 (2013) pp. 575-578
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[J-4] H. Fujishiro, T. Naito, T. Sasaki, T. Arayashiki, "Trapped field and temperature rise in MgB2 bulks magnetized by pulsed field", Proc. ICEC24-ICMC2012 (2013) pp. 571-574
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[J-3] H. Fujishiro, T. Tamura, T. Arayashiki, M. Oyama, T. Sasaki, T. Naito, G. Giunchi and A. Albisetti, "Pulsed field magnetization of large MgB2 bulk fabricated by reactive liquid Mg infiltration", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 51 (2012) 103005 (5 pages)
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[J-2] T. Naito, T. Sasaki and H. Fujishiro, "A proposal of new fabricating technique of large MgB2 bulk by a capsule method", IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 22 (2012) 4401703
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[J-1] T. Naito, T. Sasaki and H. Fujishiro, "Trapped magnetic field and vortex pinning properties of MgB2 superconducting bulk fabricated by a capsule method", Supercond. Sci. Technol. 25 (2012) 095012 (6 pages)
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